My Name

Why the name? To spite my ex. Not really. She's a nice lady.

"My Life, The Film" is a title that represents my recently acquired mentality. However, my initial inspiration for this title came from my ex-girlfriend. She once told me that I live life as if it were a film, basically I have no grasp on reality. Well it’s true, the former that is. 

I have been in love with movies since I was a kid. In turn, I have developed this romantic view of life (probably from having watched too many 80's teen comedies) that guides my decisions and passions. I prefer to have a little bit of faith in movie magic, that the unlikely is more possible than most people think, that I can be the exception. Thinking this way is not very logical, but neither am I.

My recently acquired mentality consists of me taking more chances, welcoming new experiences, and making the decisions that are truer to my own heart, rather than doing what is expected or what everyone else is doing. Sometimes my heart gets broken, and sometimes I spend more money than I should have; but these experiences make life more interesting and more fulfilling. So this blog will take that mentality and transform it into words, hopefully documenting some of those experiences and philosophies along the way. 

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