My Background

Where am I coming from? This direction.

I graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Motion Picture History, Theory and Criticism and another Bachelor's in French. I was teaching English in Toulouse, France, and as glamorous as that sounds, it's wasn't. (It was fun though.) Although, because my job allowed me an incredible amount of free-time, I had  a lot of time to write, mostly fiction in the form of short stories and poetry, but I also have other projects in progress, including this blog. Recently, I moved to New York on a whim and have decided to pursue a film-related career here. 

Why am I writing this blog? Well, for several reasons. Firstly, I started it in France because of my ominous amount of free-time and because I'd been considering it for a while, and there is no time like the present. Also, I have my two friends to thank for it. The first has given me the inspiration to be creative, to be informed, to be proactive, and to try and make a difference in the world (this is my meager attempt at these.) My other friend has been my "guide" to blogging, helping me take on the "if she can do it, I can too" attitude.

I’m also hoping this will be an outlet for my creative and critical writing, but I don’t want it to be limited to that. With luck, it will provide some cultural understanding from my travels. And well, I’m just going to try to have fun and see where the words take me!

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